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nice price lol


ok perfect game but the controls anre not for m

This game is fire! When i first played it (20 mins ago lol) the contros kinda gave me nostalgia because the controls are really alike sonic games. I really enjoyed this game and im looking foward to it.

I found a crash. When you beat the boss in Stage 2 and dash into the goal with 100% resonance, this appears:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object oGoal:

Unable to find any instance for object index '0' name 'oPlayer'

at gml_Object_oGoal_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_oGoal_Step_0 (line -1)

saaaaaaaaaaame could you get past the level? i couldn't

Also i think a easy mode would be cool

Is it ok if i make a Gamejolt page for the game i swear i will give you credit.

Is full game finished ITS SO GOOD


I saw this game after scouring gamebanana for FNF mods and I came across the mod based on this game. I watched the trailer and holy s***, it looks so damn good! I'm currently downloading the game atm and I plan to play both the demo and the mod for my channel soon. Good luck on working on the game dude! It looks soooo goooodd

really cursed image ngl

This game is very fun and i had a lot of fun playing it, i recomend having a strong keyboard though

Fool,my 1G is to slow for your unamusing tricks


God dammit

This was an awesome demo! Can't wait for the full game!

(1 edit)

Is it possible you can you make mobile version?

so will updates to the demo be updated on steam too?

Yep! Any updates that happen to the demo here will be on Steam as well!

Great, amazing game btw, good luck with development

+This game just looks cool. Gives me some Lethal League and Jet Set Radio vibes.

+This game controls and feels so good. Better then Unitres because its a lot more focused on platforming then going fast. 
+Combat in this game is fuckin smooooth. How it works is you have light attacks, heavy attacks and a dash. You have a 2 pip stamina bar that regulates how much you can dash and heavy that fairly quickly regens. Your dash is key because this game has its own Witch Time. Dashing at the right time through an attack will give you a full time stop that lets you counter attack AND will heal one of your 4 pips of life. The game expects you to get GOOD at this too as bosses in this game do NOT fuck around. A thing to keep in mind is your time stop has a 10 second cooldown to keep you from abusing it but your dashes still have iframes. There is also Resonance. As you kick ass you will build a percentage that boosts your chance to do a critical hit and do big damage.

~I cant think of many negatives but I will say it WILL kick your ass. I fought the first boss like...god 12 times before I actually beat it? But iteration time is so small and you dont have lives that it hits that cycle of wanting to keep trying and get better. Super satisfying. 

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it; the game indeed expects you to improve over time instead of being perfect on the first try!

Will this game be availible on itch too or just steam?

The final game will likely release here as well, for the same price as it will be on Steam.


Is the final product gonna be paid for how much? loved the demo, had a lot of fun mashing buttons

It's going to likely sell for $15-$20 at retail!

this game is amazing. I cannot wait for the full game, will 100% be saving some money aside for when this drops!

Thank you so much!

(1 edit)

Great demo! I love the fast paced platforming and sick combos. This game is rad. BUT I have one problem. Maybe I'm just not an epic gamer, but I can get passed the 1st level boss. In my opinion the first boss you fight shouldn't be too hard. I struggled for about an hour to beat the first boss and I still couldn't beat him, and now I cant enjoy the rest of the demo cause the boss is to hard. Otherwise awesome game, for sure gonna wish list on steam.

(2 edits)

Finlay I beat the 1st boss (need to parry a bunch). the rest of the game and the end boss is pretty gnarly. 

Thanks for the feedback; there was a bug with that boss that was making it harder than intended, but an update just released that fixed it! It should be much more manageable now, but I'm glad you managed to pull through even before then!

Deleted post

Pressing the "up" button when the door's opening should take you into a level.

how do i start a level

You've got to press the "up" button next to an opening door!

i have a problem that the game just starts pressing everything without touching anything and i am using windows 7 so that can be problem

Sorry you're experiencing this! This is likely an external software or hardware issue.


Nice job! I downloaded it and surprised i didn't leave any feedback here. THE. GAME. WAS. AWESOME. TOO GOOD FOR ITCH.IO.

I love it! I wanna help if i can! I wanna mostly volunteer and no payment needed. Have fun developing the game!

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate the enthusiasm dude! I'm not looking for extra hands at the moment, but I'll continue doing my best developing the game!


Hi! I've played the upcoming indie platformer's SAGE 2020 demo and I really like it! I can't wait to play one of the most anticipated games! The 90's platformers are back with style!

Really appreciate it! I've definitely got a soft spot for those older platformers, so glad this resonated with you too!


Though not the longest game ever it's certainly quite enjoyable, Love the character design and overall aesthetic.

Thank you! There'll continue to be some updates for this demo, but it's by no means the full extent I plan to take the game!

wonderful I'll be looking forward to that!


Loved this game so much I went and played it twice. The bosses are cool the stages are unique and it is one of the few beat em up style games that I played and loved. Can't wait for more!

Thanks for playing! Really glad you enjoyed it!

(1 edit)

I give this game a 9\10

This game is like the coolest robokid cartoon but it's a plataformer fighter game, it's so cool, fast paced and satisfying... i recommend it 100%.

Also, if you smash enough without being hit you go super until you get hit again, it's the best reward i could ask for.

The only thing i don't like is that you can't cancel attacks into dashes, i would like this freedom in the game.


Sorry that I missed this comment! Really glad you enjoyed the game and feel the hype.

And yeah, I'm actually adding that ability to the next update, so don't worry!


Made a video


Thanks for playing and uploading footage dudes! Outside of the quirks, looks like it was a fun time!


Yeah it was a really fun time and hope to have more fun with the game later when you bring out even more


Ayy! This game was really awesome!

Though the gravity was really high, so the character felt way too heavy.

Also, INCONSISTENT PIXEL SIZES!! Remember to keep all the pixels the same size! :)


Appreciate it dude! Thanks for playing; I'll definitely be refining the game with more time!

Sounds good! I'm excited for what's to come.

this game is great!

But whilst playing and fighting the last boss the boss run to a bug that he get stuck in the wall.

Ack; yeah that one's going to need a bit of time to fix; thanks for pointing it out!

Whilst playing i ran into a bug here that stuck me into the wall after defeating one of the Wall Lasers forcing me to restart the level <3 -Cheri The Bug Sniffer

Thanks for letting me know! The bug's already been fixed on my end, but the fix will be available with the next significant update near the end of the month; hope it's not too bothersome until then! 

of course not! The game was an enjoyable experience, Make sure to have fun while you eork on it!

-Cheri The Giggly Wiggler

(1 edit)

Very nice game
Visuals are also nice


Really appreciate it!

Cool game so far!

Thanks dude!

Just finished playing the demo for this and it's really dope! Looking forward to playing the full thing! ^-^

Ay thanks for playing dude! Really glad you enjoyed it

(1 edit)

If you guys find any particularly gamebreaking bugs, please let me know! I may put out more hotfixes. However, for the next month or so, I'm going to try to focus on adding the third actual level and second boss to the game in a pretty significant update. (Also trying to make more not-pixel art for the game. Neon's in need of a new render or two)

Not sure how much of it I can get done within that timeframe, but I hope you guys enjoy the current demo in the meantime!

Okay I have only played the first level so far. But I have to tell you that I am absolutely LOVING the game. I decided to support and purchase the game since I have a little extra money right now and I am absolutely not disappointed. First off I love the style of the game. Secondly the music is really good as well. Thirdly-I added the game to my Steam as a n0nsteam game. Connected my Steam controller and it worked perfectly. Another point- combat feels really nice. At first I was definitely just button mashing which worked, but once I understood everything it just clicked and became a smooth ride. Kudos Dev!

Thanks for everything! The contribution absolutely means a lot to me. I'm glad other input options are working with the game, too! Everything's designed by me, from the artstyle to the code to the music, so I'm glad you're enjoying all of it. 

And I wholly intended the game to allow you to button mash at first to get by, and still (hopefully!) be pretty fun, but for your potential as a player to go up exponentially once you start getting used to controlling Neon. Glad that's working out too!

(1 edit)

Howdy again. Haven't played in a while, but some people in Discord were talking about wishlisting your game on Steam and sure enough it's on there! I "purchased" while it was free. Is there any incentives for us early donators? If not that's A-okay I understand. Was just curious as I haven't followed much. Congrats on all of your progress.

I noticed a bug.  If you slide agains a wall, you have a problem because it wont stop. Please fix this somehow because if this happens, the only way to escape it, is to restart at a checkpoint. Except that, great game!!


Thanks a ton for the feedback! I'll look into this, but if you can provide more details, such as what level this was on and what you tried to do before getting onto the wall, it would help a lot!

Normally, you should be able to cancel your wall slide by pressing away from the wall or pressing down, as well as jumping, attacking or dashing in the direction away from it. So if you're stuck that's definitely a serious, yet rare problem, as it's the first I've heard of it, myself!


The bug's been found and fixed on my end, so the next update won't have this issue anymore. 

0.2.0 is an update that revamps the whole game, so if you've tried it out before a couple days ago, I highly recommend giving it another shot!


Ayy incredibly appreciate it my dude!!!!

I, love, everything about this. The art, the sound, the gameplay, the oh so sweet controls! I hope one day I can make game as good as this! Never give up and keep up your fantastic work, my friend!


Thank you!! Yeah it's taken a lot of dedication to be able to do literally everything that isn't the tile set (which you can find here:; I definitely plan on taking Neon and this game as far as they can possibly go!

You can do it! I believe in you!

Hey, for some reason I can't start the game, it gives me an error message. Anything I can do about that? I already tried downloading/unzipping it again and hadn't worked.

Thanks for letting me know! I've updated the build to remove the issue. It should be up in a moment. Sorry about that! 

No problem and thanks for fixing it. It worked this time and it's such a blast!! The controls take a bit of getting used to but once you figure it out, it's fun and fast paced and really satisfying to land combos. I'll be looking forward to see where you take this, there's a lot of potential here!

Thanks dude! I'm glad there seems to be a positive consensus about the demo! I definitely spent a lot of time making sure the game doesn't break based on what you throw at it, so I'm also looking forward to seeing how it goes from here!

Also if you haven't tried it, keyboard controls can be remapped if they felt a bit too unweildy at first! 

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